Forum Guidelines

The InterNations Forum is a place for you to exchange tips and information about expat life. These Forum Guidelines help to make sure the content and information is relevant and respectful.
InterNations reserves the right to take any action necessary to make sure our platform remains a welcoming space for all members. This includes the right to edit or delete any threads or posts that are inappropriate or violate any of the guidelines below. Members who don’t follow our Forum Guidelines may have their accounts temporarily or permanently deactivated.
Respectful Conduct
At InterNations, we greatly value respect and tolerance towards all members in our global community.
- Respect others! Everyone is entitled to express their opinion — just do it in a respectful way.
- Use English so you don’t exclude anyone. If you do post something in another language, always add a translation in English — our common language.
Content of Threads and Posts
- Ensure you post your thread in the right forum category.
- Give your threads a clear and concise name.
- Don’t use excessive punctuation (!!??!!!) or CAPITAL letters. This may be viewed as shouting.
- If using information from a third party, always provide a link to the original source with a comment for context.
- When posting a job opening, include sufficient details.
These have no place in the forum:
- Hate speech or intolerant remarks
- Derisive or insulting posts about other members, their comments, profile, threads, or experiences
- Pornographic or sexual comments
- Inappropriate language
- Posts from recruiters or recruitment agencies
- Commercial posts and advertisements
- Posts promoting external events and/or other social networks
- Duplicate posts
As a member of InterNations, you have agreed to adhere to our General Terms & Conditions and to respect our Networking Guidelines.