Content Guidelines

Who can contribute?
You can submit an article if
- you are an InterNations member;
- you are a current or former expat;
- your written English is near native-speaker level;
- you are not writing with the purpose of advertising a specific product or service.
What do we publish?
The InterNations Magazine features articles on topics relevant to expats or articles that share the challenges, learnings, and memorable moments of living abroad. Your article should cover a specific topic or tell a story. For both types of articles, we want to hear about your personal experiences.
Language and Style
The style, tone, and length of your article should match that of the other articles in the InterNations Magazine. All submissions must be written in English and should be at least 500 words long. We prefer articles written in a casual and conversational style. Above all, your article should be clear and easy to understand, as many InterNations members don’t have English as their native language.
Each article page needs at least one image. Usually, we’ll choose high-quality stock photos that fit the topic of your article. However, if you want to provide us with a photo for your article, please keep the following in mind:
Size & Format
- The minimum preferred size is 1956x954 pixels.
- Images must be in landscape format and in the appropriate size (or bigger so we can crop them to the right size).
- Only use photos that you took yourself or which you have permission to use for this purpose. They must be in line with our General Terms & Conditions.
- Images should not show any specific trademarks.
Content & Quality
- We only accept high-quality photos. They shouldn’t be too dark or blurry.
- They shouldn’t show children or be a portrait of a specific person.
- They should be a good illustration of the topic without being stereotypical.
Author Biography
The author bio can be found at the bottom of each member-contributed article and includes a link to your profile. The author bio should be no longer than 350 characters (including spaces) and contain some basic information about where you’re from, where you currently live, what you do, and what you’re interested in.
Keep in mind that while you’re welcome to mention your profession, the author bio is not a place to advertise your services.
What do we NOT publish?
While we’re open to a wide range of ideas, there are some things we do not publish on InterNations. These include
- content previously published or copy-pasted from other websites;
- so-called advertorials or promotional articles;
- nationality- or country-specific content (such as “Tax Advice for British Expats”);
- political propaganda;
- racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise discriminatory content;
- pornography or sexually suggestive content;
- content which promotes violence.
We reserve the right to decline submissions for reasons other than the ones mentioned above. The final decision concerning the acceptance of member contributions lies within the responsibility of the Content & Communications Department.
Please note that we don’t include links to businesses or personal blogs in our articles (including the author bio). If you want to become an advertising partner instead, please contact
How can you contact us?
If you have an idea for an article which is suitable for the InterNations Magazine and could be of interest to InterNations members, feel free to contact us at
We’ll get back to you and let you know if your suggestion fits our content or if some adjustments are needed.
What happens next?
A member of the Content & Communications Department will proofread your article. If anything is unclear, major changes are necessary, or your article has been declined, we’ll get in touch with you. If everything is alright, you’ll hear from us as soon as your article has been published.
At the end of your article, we’ll include a link to your InterNations profile and the author biography you provided us.
In return, you’ll receive one free month of InterNations Albatross Membership.