Step by Step Towards a Sustainable Future
At InterNations, we’ve always been aware of our responsibility as a company. Early on, we established the world’s largest community outreach program for expats, InterNations Changemakers.
But we wanted to do more! That’s why we launched our sustainability initiative in 2019. Our goal is to reduce our company’s negative effects on the environment to an absolute minimum — whether in our office or with our platform and events. We consider this an ongoing process during which we assess our footprint, identify issues, and implement measures to improve. And within just a few years, we’ve already achieved a lot!
Our biggest achievements so far
Climate neutrality
We calculated our company’s carbon footprint and offset all our emissions. For this, we chose the Plastic Bank combination project, which allows for climate neutrality and ocean protection at the same time.
Renewable energy for office and servers
We only use certified green hydropower energy, produced in Germany and Europe.
Member of "Leaders for climate action"
We firmly believe that we must do whatever we can as a company, using our influence and network to help in the fight against climate change. That’s why we joined LFCA, an entrepreneurial community that drives climate action.
Eco-friendly business travel policy
A standardized policy helps employees decide when business travel is necessary and which means of transportation to use to keep the impact as low as possible.
Corporate volunteering
We encourage our team to take action. Once a year, we organize a fun and engaging activity that benefits the environment.
Sustainable & plastic-reduced office supplies/catering
Whether it’s recycled paper, zero-waste coffee beans, or plant-based milk, we make sure the supplies we order for our office and our team follow high environmental standards wherever possible.
Helping the Planet — Together!
While accomplishing all this, we always appreciate our biggest asset: our fantastic team. We believe that each of our 85 team members has the power to change the world and can join us to help make a difference. Through a dedicated sustainability project team, we regularly provide useful information and engaging activities to raise awareness for environmental problems and show viable options for change.

What's next?
The sky’s the limit! Even if we have already reduced our footprint, eliminated many plastic products from our office, and organized lots of activities for our team, we know that there’s still a lot we can do. By trying our best, we also hope to inspire other companies to join us on this journey.