Preparing your paperwork thoroughly and taking care of practical issues before going overseas is vital. But do not underestimate the psychological side of things: going abroad can be emotionally taxing, and not all your dreams and hopes will come true. Be realistic and be prepared!
You have a job in your new destination and handled all the paperwork that comes with moving to another country? Well done! But you still need to keep some final steps in mind, such as health check-ups and financial issues. Our guide helps you with the final preparations for moving to another country.
What are the best expat destinations for women in search of great career opportunities? Drawing on the results of our Expat Insider survey, we’ve taken an in-depth look at the ten countries where women working abroad rate their career prospects most favorably. Some of the answers may surprise you!
As expats we live far from home, far from people who matter greatly to us. My own family and friends are spread through the world, and the technology helps me to stay in contact with them. I see my psychotherapist, my supervisor, my peers, and many of my clients on Skype. My 7-year old daughter has spent more time with her grandparents online then in the real world. In my case this technological advance means a less isolated life.
Moving abroad is increasingly common. Many people move abroad for work, for relationships, or simply for an adventure. Some settle there for good, and some eventually return to their country of origin. However, there is also a trend of people who don’t just stop at one country, but repeatedly relocate to new countries. This is the habitual expat mindset explained by a guilty party: myself.
Helping your third culture kid answer the question of where they come from with a smile can be quite a challenge. Many children struggle with their status of being a third culture kid but there are ways in which parents can support them. InterNations member Anita has some advice for you.
An expatriate is, by definition, a person going to temporarily live and work abroad, be it to boost their own career or to join their partner. Some may just want a change of scenery and new wind in their sails. But what exactly is a self-made expat? One thing is certain: self-made expatriates need a rather adventurous spirit, but they should still be realistic...
Should you decide on public or private health insurance, or even an international plan? Choosing the right kind of expat health insurance for you and your family can be overwhelming. We’re here to help! With our guide, you can learn about the different options and find out what you should consider when making your choice.
Planning an international life or starting an expat assignment comes with quite a few special hurdles. Job-hunting and choosing the right school for your kids are just two of the many little assignments that await you in your new international life. Our checklist gives you guidance for this process!
Are you currently planning your expat budget? Or are you simply interested in how expensive different destinations worldwide are in comparison? InterNations has taken a close look at three international surveys regarding the cost of living for expatriates and summed up their results for you.
Remember a time when you went abroad and made some faux pas that caused amusement or dismay among local listeners? Knowing what exactly went wrong in this situation could help you understand cultural awareness. InterNations tells you more about cultural awareness and why it is so important for expatriates.
If you take your children abroad during your foreign assignment, their new school will play a vital role in their brand-new life as expat kids. InterNations introduces you to the pros and cons of international schools, local schools, boarding schools, and homeschooling for expat children.
There are many types of transitions in life, from the smallest to the most significant. Moving abroad is one such significant change which brings with it multiple levels of stress, fears and worries. The way we manage this change can strengthen and prepare us for a new future.
Living in a foreign country is hard enough as it is, with all the administrational issues you have to deal with. But if you don’t want to get stuck in the expat bubble, you'll need to learn to adjust to life in a foreign country. InterNations gives you a few tips on how to succeed at this challenge.